1. Introduction
Dr.Ankerstjerne AS takes privacy
seriously, and therefore follows all relevant laws and regulations at any given
time. This includes the new EU regulation (GDPR).
The purpose of this privacy
policy is to make it as easy as possible for you to get an overview of how we
collect, use, store, share, transfer, delete or in other ways process
(hereinafter referred to as "processing") your personal data. Our measures
to protect and secure your personal data are also covered by the declaration.
Finally, our declaration contains contact information so that you can easily
get in touch with us regarding questions, requests and/or complaints in
connection with data protection.
2. Covered parties and definition
This privacy policy refers to
"you" and "your", which includes any covered individual.
"We", "us", "our" and "Dr.Ankerstjerne
AS" include Dr.Ankerstjerne AS.
"Personal information"
is defined as data relating to an identified/identifiable person or a person
who can be identified using means that are highly likely to be used.
3. Scope of the privacy policy
The privacy policy covers
Dr.Ankerstjerne AS' goals and activities in the geographical areas where we
operate and where the GDPR applies.
Furthermore, the privacy policy
applies to the processing of personal data collected by us, directly or
indirectly, from all individuals. This includes, but is not limited to, our
current, former or prospective: job applicants, employees, consultants, users,
consumers, children, suppliers/subcontractors, shareholders and third parties.
4. Collection and processing of personal data
In accordance
with the GDPR and local laws
Your personal data is processed
in accordance with the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR) and potential and relevant local legislation.
Legal, fair and transparent
We guarantee that your personal data is processed in a legal, fair and transparent manner. This means that we
do not process personal data without a legal basis (for more information, see the section "Legal basis for storage").
At the same time, please note
that there may be a need to process your personal data if necessary for the
performance of a contract/service of which you are a party or recipient, when
it is necessary to comply with legal obligations to which we are subject or in
other cases where it will be necessary , of course with your prior consent. As
long as your rights and freedoms do not override ours, we can also process
personal data for our legitimate interests.
In cases where we process your personal data, we will inform you of this through a notice or a privacy statement. The information will include, among other things, who is responsible for the processing of your personal data, for what purposes the personal data
is processed, who the recipients are, what your rights are and how you can
exercise these (unless it is impossible or requires disproportionate effort for
us to implement this).
Where required by applicable
law, we will seek your prior consent before collecting sensitive data. By, for
example, ticking the box "I agree to the processing of the personal
information that I leave for the above-mentioned use" on our website, you
agree that the personal information that you fill in/give us can be used for
the use that has been formulated in the consent.
Legitimate purpose, limitation and data
We guarantee that your personal
data will only be collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, and
will not be further processed in a way that is incompatible with these
purposes. The personal information must also be adequate, relevant and not too
extensive in relation to the legitimate use for which it is arranged.
We collect information by, among
other things: entering into agreements on services with suppliers and business
customers, filling in contact details on our website, contacting us by e-mail,
telephone, website and social media, registering for receiving newsletters,
signing up for education or attending information meetings .
Please also note that if you
visit our website, this will generate data, in addition to, for example, IP
address, device type, operating system and browser type used.
When we process personal data
for our own purposes, this is mainly used, but not limited to, for the
following: customer care, sales and marketing activities, statistics and
analysis, user customization of the website, recruitment administration, HR and
administration, accounting, financial management and associated controls and
reports, tax administration, risk management, HSE, directory services, IT tools
or internal websites and other digital solutions or collaborative platforms, IT
support (including infrastructure, system administration, applications, health
and safety management, information security management), customer relationship
management, bidding, internal and external communications and incident
management, compliance with anti-money laundering obligations or other legal
obligations, data analysis, legal corporate governance and implementation of
compliance processes).
Correctness and time limit
We guarantee that your personal
information is up-to-date and correct. We will take all expected measures to
ensure that incorrect information is deleted or corrected.
We only store your personal data with us for as long as is necessary for the
purpose for which the personal data was processed or in accordance with
statutory procedures. This includes any legal, accounting or reporting
requirements, as well as if it is necessary for us to assert or defend
ourselves against legal claims.
The personal data will then be
stored until the end of the relevant storage period or until the relevant
requirements have been settled. If you want to read more about our specific
time limits for storing personal data, you can contact us at kundeservice@ankerstjerne.no.
We also guarantee that your
personal data will not be stored in a format that makes it possible to identify
you for a longer period of time than is necessary for the use for which the
data is intended. At the end of the storage period, we will delete your
personal data in a secure manner, in accordance with applicable laws and
5. Legal basis for storage
Regardless of the processing of
personal information, Dr.Ankerstjerne AS AS must always be supported by at
least one of the following legal terms (cf. Act on the processing of personal
data, §6):
a. the data subject has
consented to the processing of his personal data for one or more specific
b. the processing is necessary to fulfill an agreement to which the data
subject is a party, or to carry out measures at the data subject's request
before entering into an agreement,
c. the processing is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation incumbent on the
d. the processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data
subject or another natural person,
e. the processing is necessary to carry out a task in the public interest or
exercise public authority to which the controller is required,
f. the processing is necessary for purposes linked to the legitimate interests
pursued by the controller or a third party, unless the data subject's interests
or fundamental rights and freedoms take precedence and require the protection
of personal data, particularly if the data subject is a child.
6. Security measures
We guarantee that your personal
information is protected against accidental or unlawful alteration or loss, or
against unauthorized use, disclosure or access in accordance with our data
security guidelines. To ensure such protection, we have implemented appropriate
technical and organizational measures.
We ensure, where appropriate, that all reasonable safeguards based on built-in
privacy and privacy by default are in place to protect the processing of your
personal data. Depending on the level of risk for the processing of the
personal data, we also carry out a PIA privacy assessment ("PIA"). We
also have extra security measures for data that is considered sensitive.
7. Sharing of personal data
We are very strict about who will have access to your personal
information and only people who need access to such information will have this.
Personal data that is processed in connection with assignments (including
potential ones) is delivered to the client in accordance with laws and
regulations that we are required to follow. Other recipients only receive this
information as a result of statutory requirements, other constitutions or
authority decisions.
We share your personal data under the following circumstances:
8. Children
There are separate procedures
for personal data relating to children. This is a group that requires specific
protection, as minors are less able to familiarize themselves with and
understand the risks, consequences, security measures and rights associated
with sharing their information. Children also do not have the opportunity to
give consent in the same way as adults.
Such specific protection shall
particularly apply to marketing, personality or user profiles, as well as
services offered directly to children. We do not process children's personal
data without the consent of a parent or guardian where this is necessary. We do
not target our marketing to children, except for specific services and with the
consent of the holder of parental responsibility. If you believe that we have
incorrectly processed a child's personal data, please contact us directly hello@drstine.com
9. Data transfer
According to the GDPR, it is not
permitted to transfer personal data to third countries outside the EEA that do
not have the opportunity to guarantee an adequate and satisfactory level of
data protection. Some third countries outside the EEA area where we operate do
not offer the same level of data protection as the country you live in, and are
thus not recognized by the European Commission as providing an adequate level
of protection for privacy rights.
As in some cases it may be necessary to transfer data to such countries, we
have sufficient security procedures in place to protect your personal data.
More information about such transfers will be made available to you at the time
of collection.
If you would like more information or documentation on data protection
procedures, please contact us at hello@drstine.com
10. Cookies
Our website can also use
information cookies (also called "cookies"). A cookie is a small text
file that is stored on your computer, mobile phone or tablet by the website you
visit. The file contains the address of the website and the codes that your
browser sends back to this website every time you visit a page. The goal is to
recognize your device and store information about your preferences or past
activities. That way, your visit can be adapted to your needs and create a
better user experience for you.
When you visit our websites, you will be told which types of cookies we use and
how you can deactivate them. When required by law, you will be given the option
to reject the use of cookies when you visit our websites. For more information,
see our cookie policy
11. Your rights
You have a number of rights when
it comes to your personal data, and you have the opportunity to influence your
information and what is stored. Among other things, you have the right to
receive information about which information we have stored. You can also demand
that we correct incorrect information or delete your information. You can
contact us at any time and request that your information be deleted or that the
use of the information be restricted.
Right to access and rectification
You can request a copy of the
information we have stored on you. You can also request that we correct errors
or update incomplete data.
Right not to be subjected to
automated decisions
You have the right not to be
subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including
profiling, which has a legal implication for you or significantly affects you.
Right to deletion
You have the right to request
the deletion of your personal data in cases where:
I. the data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected;
II. you choose to withdraw your consent;
III. you have objections to the processing of your personal data;
IV. your personal data has been unlawfully processed;
V. there is a legal obligation to delete your personal data;
WE. deletion is necessary to ensure compliance with applicable laws.
Right to limitation
You can request that the
processing of your personal data be restricted in cases where:
I. you dispute the accuracy of your personal data;
II. we no longer need your personal data for processing purposes;
III. you have objected to processing for legitimate reasons.
Right to data portability
Where applicable, you can ask
for the personal data you have provided to us to be handed over. This applies
to cases where:
a. the processing of your personal data is based on consent or a contract; and
b. the processing is automated.
You can also request that your personal data be transferred to another
desirable data processor/third party (where technically possible).
Right to complain
You can choose to submit a
complaint to the supervisory authorities where you live, where you work or
where you feel the infringement of your rights has taken place. This can be
done regardless of whether it has/has not led to personal injury or loss.
You also have the right to submit a complaint to the courts where we have our
business or where you have a holiday home.
Right to protest
You can object to the processing
of your personal data. Remember that in cases where your personal data is
processed on the basis of a consent you have given, it is possible for you to
withdraw such consent at any time.
If you wish to withdraw your
consent or demand an overview of information, correction or deletion, contact
us at the e-mail address we have specified under the section for contact
information. Should you have questions about the complaints process, you can
find many answers in our guidelines for complaints and inquiries .
If you believe that your rights
are not being respected, please contact us (see contact information below) or
the Norwegian Data Protection Authority ( postkasse@datatilsynet.no ).
12. Updates
This privacy policy may be
updated from time to time when there are changes in operations or otherwise. If
significant changes are made, we will post information about this on our
website when the changes come into effect, and if applicable, communicate the
change(s) directly to you.
13. Contact us
If you should have questions, comments and/or requests related
to this privacy policy, please contact the data protection officer at hello@drstine.com. You can also send a letter to the following address:
Dr. Ankerstjerne AS
Bakob VAT Service ApS
Th. Bergsgade 12
Rett til innsyn og retting
Du kan be om kopi av opplysningene vi har lagret på deg. Du kan også be om at vi retter opp i feil eller oppdaterer ufullstendig data.
Rett til å ikke bli utsatt for automatiserte avgjørelser
Du har rett til ikke å bli underlagt en avgjørelse utelukkende basert på automatisert behandling, inkludert profilering, som har en juridisk implikasjon for deg eller påvirker deg vesentlig.
Rett til sletting
Du har krav på å be om sletting av dine personopplysninger i tilfeller hvor:
I. dataene ikke lenger er nødvendige for det formålet de ble innsamlet for;
II. du velger å trekke tilbake ditt samtykke;
III. du har innvendinger mot behandlingen av dine personopplysninger;
IV. dine personopplysninger er ulovlig behandlet;
V. det er en juridisk forpliktelse å slette dine personopplysninger;
VI. sletting er nødvendig for å sikre samsvar med gjeldende lover.
Rett til begrensning
Du kan be om at behandlingen av dine personopplysninger begrenses i tilfeller hvor:
I. du bestrider nøyaktigheten av dine personopplysninger;
II. vi ikke lenger trenger dine personopplysninger for behandlingsformål;
III. du har motsatt deg behandling av legitime grunner.
Rett til dataportabilitet
Der det er aktuelt, kan du be om å få utlevert de personopplysninger du har gitt til oss. Dette gjelder tilfelle hvor:
a. behandlingen av dine personopplysninger er basert på samtykke eller en kontrakt; og
b. behandlingen er automatisert.
Du kan også be om at dine personopplysninger blir overført til en annen ønskelig databehandler/tredjepart (der det er teknisk mulig).
Rett til å klage
Du kan velge å sende inn en klage til tilsynsmyndighetene der du bor, der du jobber eller der du føler overtredelsen av dine rettigheter har funnet sted. Dette kan gjøres uansett om det har/ikke har ført til personlig skade eller tap.
Du har også rett til å sende inn klage til domstolene der vi har vår virksomhet eller hvor du har fritidsbolig.
Rett til å protestere
Du kan protestere mot behandlingen av dine personopplysninger. Husk at i tilfeller hvor dine personopplysninger behandles på grunnlag av et samtykke du har gitt, er det mulig for deg å trekke tilbake et slikt samtykke når som helst.
Ønsker du å trekke tilbake ditt samtykke eller kreve å få oversikt over opplysninger, rettelse eller sletting, kontakter du oss på e-postadressen vi har angitt under avsnittet for kontaktinformasjon. Skulle du ha spørsmål angende klageprosessen, kan du finne mange svar i våre retningslinjer for klager og forespørsler.
Hvis du mener at rettighetene dine ikke blir respektert, ta gjerne kontakt med oss (se kontaktinformasjon nedenfor) eller Datatilsynet (postkasse@datatilsynet.no).
12. Oppdateringer
Oppdatering av denne personvernerklæringen vil kunne finne sted fra tid til annen når det foreligge endringer i drift eller annet. Dersom det gjøres vesentlige endringer, vil vi legge ut informasjon om dette på nettstedet vårt når endringene trer i kraft, og dersom aktuelt, kommunisere direkte med deg endringen(e).
13. Kontakt oss
Om du skulle ha spørsmål, kommentarer og/eller forespørsler tilknyttet denne personvernerklæringen, ber vi deg kontakte personvernombudet på kundeservice@ankerstjerne.no. Du kan også sende et brev til følgende adresse:
Dr.Ankerstjerne AS
3324 Sørenga,
0140 Oslo